Animal Testing: Rabbit Poster Developed


 I've started creating my own campaign poster designs that show the realities of animal testing. I'm going to make 3 poster mock-ups that contain Illustrations and facts linked to animal testing and cosmetic products. 

There are a variety of animals used within animal testing but the three animals that I'm going to be focusing one are: rabbits, rats and guinea pigs. 

My first poster design is aimed towards rabbits and how they are tested on for mascara. I've linked this into my poster by adding a pattern of mascaras in the background. The main illustration in the middle of the poster is showing how the rabbit is being tested on. In labs, rabbits are tested on by injection or the substances are put onto their skin is eyes. I wanted to make a bold illustration that shocks viewers based on the methods and reactions are undertaken within animal testing. To make the illustration more shocking and to make it even bolder, I've played with the proportions of certain elements to emphasise the message I'm trying to communicate. Such as, the needle has been upscaled so viewers can clearly see this design from longer distances. 

I've also communicated through my illustration how these tests can lead to rabbits having allergic reactions or infections to the substances. 

Around the design, I've added some text that has a title and facts. I think that fonts need altering to see if any others that may look better.  To make the text readable, I need to put the text into text boxes as the text and pattern are clashing. 

For the next stages, I'm going to develop this poster design by changing the text and adding text boxes. I might change the colour of the text. 


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