
Showing posts from December, 2022

Project 2: Addressing Autism- Camouflaged Background Work

  Since having feedback on this project, I've developed this illustration even further by applying collaged, leaf image into the background. I've done this in Photoshop and I've altered the brightness and colour of the leaves.  I've added this image into the background the support the idea of the girl using the technique of camouflaging. Usually, things are camouflaged into the background and cannot be seen. So I wanted to link the idea of the girl camouflaging her autism and having not being noticeable to others who are not on the spectrum. Within this illustration, I wanted to show how people with autism try and maintain a relationship and how it can be challenging.  I have considered developing this illustration to make sure that viewers can clearly understand the message I'm trying to communicate. With these other ideas, I'll make some small thumbnails and develop them further. 

Letterpress Session:

 I have had a Letterpress session where I've learnt about the process and history. I was able to make my own sentence and print it onto A6 piece of card.  I thought that this session was useful because I was able to try using the process to make my own print. Therefore, I was able to learn about how the process works and its important key elements. I have now produced another example of experimentation that I could go back to using in future sessions. 

Creative Self work Finished:

 I've put together all of my illustrations and text to create a piece of work that is about me and my illustrations. I've enjoyed working on this piece because I've been able to think about how to present myself as an illustrator through words and images.  I would like to develop the text as I think I could have chosen a better font or I could make my own hand-written font. 

Creative Self Work Developed

I have now developed my creative self piece by scanning my illustrations into Photoshop. On Photoshop, I've applied colour to my illustrations. I like the colour scheme that I used as I've made my own limited palette. Also, the colour scheme is effective as it will not distract viewers away from text.  To develop this piece of work even further, I'm now going to add my bio.  

Animal Testing: Poster 3

This is the final outcome to my third poster design. After experimenting with different colour schemes, I chose to stick with the red. I think that this colour scheme is the most eye-catching and the colour red is a warning colour that is effective too it will be eye-catching to viewers. I kept the background white behind the foundation pattern so that it would not become a distraction as the main illustration is more important.  With this poster, I have continued to contain text that explains the issues within animal testing and why and how guinea pigs are tested. For this mock-up campaign poster, I've added a sign up area where viewers can use the link to sign a petition to help. All of the posters are a set for the campaign, PeTA.  The facts displayed on all of my posters link back to the research that I've done on the PeTA website.  Based on the design, I think that it's effective because there are bold illustrations and limited colour palettes. The area that needs to...

Animal Testing: Poster 3 Patterns

I have used my foundation and sponge illustration and made it into a pattern.  After applying colour to the illustrations on Photoshop, I brought the design onto Illustrator.  I like how this piece turned out as the pattern design is not too complicated and clustered together. The colour scheme works well together too. To improve this piece of work, I need to try different colour schemes behind the pattern to see what colours do and don't work with this design.  

Animal Testing: Poster 3- Illustrations Developed (Photoshop)


Creative Self: Illustrations

  For this piece of work, I'm focusing on creating my own bio that lets others know who I am as an artist. Alongside the bio, I've decided to add some illustrations has give visual hints based on my interests and drawing style.  As these illustrations represent me as an illustrator, I think that my work is successful because I'm focusing on visual communication.  For the next stages of my work, I'm going to scan my illustrations into Photoshop and apply colour and text.

Animal Testing: Poster 3 Illustrations Developed:


Animal Testing: Sketches for Poster 3

 I've started creating some small illustrations that could be used for my third poster design. For this poster, I want to focus on how guinea pigs are tested on in labs. Through my research, I have found out that guinea pigs are tested on for foundation. The tests that they go through are substances being spread or injected to test for allergic reactions. If a guinea pig does have a allergy reaction, their skin will be itchy and irritated. These reactions to testing can cause the losses of fur.  For my poster designs, I wanted to continue drawing in my own personal style but I tried not making it too stylised where it no longer has an effect on viewers. I want each illustration for my poster to be bold and eye catching to cause shock.  I'm going to develop these illustrations by scanning them into Photoshop and testing out a variety of colour schemes. 

Animal Testing: Poster 2

I have now finished my second poster for my animal testing project. This poster focuses on how rats are tested on in labs and what makeup products are tested on them. I have visually shown a rat that is ;using its fur and that has had substances spread onto its skin that is for lipstick products. To hint at how rats are tested on for lipstick, I've made a pattern in the background of my poster. I have surrounded the image with text that is about animal testing and about signing up to help reduce animal testing. To make this mock-up to look like a campaign poster, I have added a suitable logo from the PeTA.   I like how this piece turned out based on the illustrations as they communicate the message of how it is cruel to keep testing on animals for cosmetic products. However, I need to experiment more with colour scheme to see if there are any other outcomes that may look better.   

Animal Testing: Poster 2 Patterns


Animal Testing: Poster 2 - Illustrations Developed


Animal Testing: Poster 2 Sketches/ Ideas


Animal Testing: Rabbit Poster Developed

   I've started creating my own campaign poster designs that show the realities of animal testing. I'm going to make 3 poster mock-ups that contain Illustrations and facts linked to animal testing and cosmetic products.  There are a variety of animals used within animal testing but the three animals that I'm going to be focusing one are: rabbits, rats and guinea pigs.  My first poster design is aimed towards rabbits and how they are tested on for mascara. I've linked this into my poster by adding a pattern of mascaras in the background. The main illustration in the middle of the poster is showing how the rabbit is being tested on. In labs, rabbits are tested on by injection or the substances are put onto their skin is eyes. I wanted to make a bold illustration that shocks viewers based on the methods and reactions are undertaken within animal testing. To make the illustration more shocking and to make it even bolder, I've played with the proportions of certain eleme...

Project 2: Addressing Autism- Camouflaging Illustrations


Project 2: Addressing Autism- Camouflage collage work Developed


Animal Testing: Campaign Poster Designs
